Join us Tuesday, December 1 and help support residents by bringing Equine Therapy to them!
During these difficult times, our residents still need to keep their minds sharp and spirits uplifted – especially those with dementia. Many of our residents grew up on farms, or simply love animals so Equine Therapy provides a great reminiscence and brings up fond memories of childhood.
Normally, our residents are taken to the Grand Rapids based farm of Equine Assisted Development, but this year we’re raising money to bring the horses to Clark.
Equine Therapy provides wonderful reminiscence, sensory stimulation, exercise, and fine and gross motor skill use. Animals are a wonderful companion and connection for people with dementia (or other mental/physical disabilities) to talk with someone/thing that doesn’t judge them at all. It’s a heart to heart connection that simply communicates love.
Our goal is to raise $1,000 which will allow us numerous Equine Therapy trips to Clark in 2021. Click here to donate to help fund Equine Therapy at Clark.
Thank you to all the generous donors who contributed to Clark on Giving Tuesday! As of the morning of December 2, we raised $2,010, surpassing our original goal of $1,000!