Have you thought about what legacy you would like to leave the world?
At Clark, you can establish a permanent legacy that will positively impact many residents today and for years to come.
Many Clark supporters like to make a gift to an important cause that matters most to them. There are several effective ways to share your generosity today and in the future.
Take a look at the various options available to have you achieve your charitable goals.
This is a simple, effective way to make a future gift. A single sentence in these documents is all that is needed to complete your gift to the Clark Foundation. You can give a specific item, an amount of money, a gift contingent upon certain events, or a percentage of your estate.
Click the button below to either create or update a will, or download sample language.
You can give cash or other property, and receive steady income – from a charitable gift annuity or a charitable remainder trust – for the rest of your life (or a designated number of years). The remainder will benefit the Clark Foundation.
Benefits of Gifts That Pay You Income
Interesting in receiving income for life, all while contributing a life-changing gift to Clark Foundation? Contact us at 616-278-6534 for details.
If you are 70 1/2 or older, you can make a sizable gift to the Clark Foundation from your individual retirement account (IRA) AND receive significant tax benefits in return.
Benefits of Giving from Your IRA
To give from your retirement plan, contact your plan administrator to start the process. Need a sample letter to send to your IRA administrator? Click the button below.
There are many different ways to leave a lasting legacy at Clark. Whether your passion is in celebration of the excellent care our staff provided, or in honor of a family member who lived amazing years at Clark - we are humbled by the generosity of Clark supporters.
Other ways to give include:
The Clark Foundation Heritage Society recognizes individuals who have notified us that the Clark Foundation is included in their estate plan as the beneficiary of a will, trust, life income gift, life insurance policy, retirement plan, or other legacy gifts.
Heritage Society members are recognized throughout the year with exclusive benefits:
Have you already included the Clark Foundation in your estate plans but haven't notified us?
We're incredibly grateful for your commitment and passion for giving back to Clark. We'd be honored to learn of your giving intentions to Clark and recognize your gift. Click the button below to download and complete a Planned Giving Intention Form, and return to the Clark Foundation.
Call us at 616-278-6530 to learn more about any of these legacy giving options.
Note: The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. Please consult your estate planning attorney or financial advisor when considering a gift.
We partner with the Barnabas Foundation, who provides complementary and confidential planning services.
The Clark Retirement Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in the State of Michigan.
Our IRS tax identification number (also known as an EIN) is 38-3236052.