It’s hard to believe it’s been a full year since we sent out our first COVID update. After what has, at times, felt like a never-ending pandemic, we are now seeing brighter days. We are thrilled to be moving back into a more normal life here at Clark.
The resilience of our residents and staff has been truly inspiring. Thanks to the tireless efforts of our staff, we have kept residents connected, even while being physically apart. All of the families who entrusted us to care for their loved ones were incredibly patient as we continued to ask them to limit visitations to keep COVID-19 away from our residents and staff. The health of our community has been, and will continue to be, our number one priority. With that said, we have some very exciting announcements to make.
As of the first week of March, both doses of the Moderna vaccine have been administered to our residents and staff. The vaccine has brought new hope and relief to our community. Thank you to Walgreens for the excellent coordination they provided at our vaccine clinics.
We are so very excited to welcome visitors back and see our families reunited. Our team has worked diligently to create visitation guidelines that continue to keep residents, visitors, and staff safe. Click here to read the guidelines and to schedule a visit with your loved one.
Another major milestone is the reopening of our dining rooms. For 50 weeks our staff has delivered every meal to residents in their rooms. This week, we were allowed to welcome residents back to our dining room to enjoy gourmet meals with their friends. There were many happy tears seeing our residents chatting over a meal (six feet apart, of course) and reconnecting after these trying times. Click here to read more about how we’re keeping our residents safe in our dining facilities.
Residents are beginning to enjoy group activities as well. Exercise classes, book clubs, as well as resuming volunteer activities. One only needs to look into a resident’s eyes to see the happiness they are experiencing. We have a new phrase that describes how we are keeping the residents safe: face-to-physically-distanced-face! We are looking forward to opening our Chapel, games room and Cafe as soon as we are given a green light.
The dark days of COVID are almost completely behind us and the future is bright. We have all weathered the storm together making different types of memories. Virtual and window visits, letter writing, learning new skills, smiling with our eyes, enjoying the outdoors more than ever, and benefiting from the kindness of our community.
We Are Community. We Are Clark.